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Carbon/environmental actions

aboc IT Consulting is concerned about our environment - we plant trees!

At aboc IT we believe that we have to help reduce greenhouse gasses and play whatever part we can in reducing the impact of global warming on us all.

As such, we regularly plant trees.  For every client site that aboc IT hosts, we undertake to plant 12 trees a year.  This is a small gesture in the overall scheme of things, but in a small way it's helping.  Our office is run on renewable energy (green power from our local electricity retailer).  Wherever possible our people ride bicycles to client sites rather than drive cars (we hope most of our clients respect this policy, it does mean that we don't often wear suits!)

We're putting pressure on our hosting co-location site to use renewable energy and we offer discounts to approved green businesses. eg: if your website is related to approved greenhouse gas reduction schemes, such as solar or wind power, increasing bicycle use or improving the efficiency of current infrastructure, contact us and ask us for a discount.

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